Tuition Assistance

Independent school education is a choice for families. Both JHCS and individual families make significant financial sacrifices to support this choice. To afford tuition, most families adjust their spending priorities, maximize both parents' earnings, and carefully manage assets. Even then, some families still need financial assistance. If, after reviewing your family finances, you believe you are not able to afford the tuition, you should consider applying for financial aid.

Supporting equitable access to a rigorous educational opportunity at the Jackson Hole Community School has been a founding value of the school. On average 25-30% of our students receive tuition assistance annually, and we dedicate approximately 15% of our annual budget to tuition assistance.

The Jackson Hole Community School uses a certified third-party online financial aid application process called “FAST” (Financial Aid for School Tuition) in order to allocate funds in as fair a manner as possible. New and continuing families interested in being considered for financial aid must complete the FAST application online by January 31 each year: FAST WEBSITE

The entire process should take between 45 minutes and an hour and requires a $45 application fee from the family (this fee may be waived in certain circumstances).